Moving to the UK – FAQs



How do I find accommodation in the UK?
If you are entering your first year of university, most universities will try to reserve their on-campus accommodation exclusively for first year students. However, the spaces available for on campus living may be limited. If you wish to live on campus, it’s recommended to ensure that you put in all necessary applications as early as possible to increase your chance of securing a place.

If your university does not provide on campus living here are a few places to have a look:


How do I get around?

There are various modes of transportation available within the UK such as: Trains, Buses & Coaches. Here are a few useful apps to help you get around:

If you will be going to university outside of London do some research into the bus app available in your area so you will be able to get around.

Working while Studying

How do I find a part-time job while studying at university?

If you are interested in part-time work during your studies, you will need to provide the following to potential employers:

When looking for part-time positions, I recommend checking your university’s job listings as they tend to offer flexible working positions to students.

Setting up a UK bank account

How do I set up a UK bank account?
When looking to set up a UK account you will need to provide:

  • A valid ID
  • Proof of UK address

Most banks have student bank accounts available however, you will be required to have lived in the UK for at least 3 years to be eligible. I suggest applying for the ‘current account’ option that your chosen bank offers. When applying for a UK bank account I recommend doing lots of research so that you can find the bank that works best for your personal needs.

Here is a list of reputable UK banks to check out:


Submitted by UK Student Ambassador Kayla Jeffers (Dec 2023)