The Student Link: Canada FAQ

by Regional Student Ambassador for Canada, Gabbie King.
Check out Gabbie’s blog post for students moving to Canada here


What are the clothing essentials I should bring with me for the first time?

This answer depends on what time of the year you’ll be coming to Canada and which area of Canada you will be going to. Canada is a big country and most of it experiences all four seasons. If you’re arriving between June-October, you will not necessarily need to bring a winter jacket with (though if you tend to get cold easily including on the plane, bring a light jacket in case!). You can purchase autumn/winter wear in Canada at reasonable prices. If you’re arriving between November-May, dress very warmly (cover your extremities and dress in layers). It is best, however, to check the weather of your destination as the temperature changes very drastically from time-to-time.

How long does Customs usually take to get through?

Typically when coming from Cayman, you’re going straight to Pearson Airport in Toronto, Ontario. Customs, if returning on a student visa, usually takes between 30-45 minutes in total. However, when first arriving on a student visa, it will take a bit longer as you must first wait for your visa to be approved and printed. There will be customs officers pointing you in the right direction of the line you will need to wait in. Depending on the busyness of the airport, it can take between 30-65 minutes to get through Customs.

What are the most common modes of transportation?

It depends on your city and province. Major cities, like Toronto (TTC), Montreal (STM) and Vancouver (TransLink) have their own independent agencies for transportation which include buses, trains, and streetcars. Smaller cities still have buses and train stops which can connect you to regional transportation units (GOTrain, ViaRegional, WestCoast Express). Public transportation is generally reliable. To travel from province to province, flights are recommended unless you’re on a road trip!

What are some things to do for fun?

Events happen seasonally. During Spring and Summer, more outdoor activities such as camping, picnics, road trips, travelling and nature trails are popular. Canada is known for its natural beauty so getting out there while it’s warm is the best way to enjoy it. During Fall and Winter, indoor activities are more common, however, pumpkin and apple picking, skiing, tobogganing and ice skating are other fun things to try. Be sure to check out the food festivals and concerts in your area, which are usually year-round.

What is the best way to make friends on campus?

Most universities have a number of clubs for you to join. Joining interesting clubs allows you to meet those with similar interests and are the grounds for making great friendships. If you are looking to meet other Caribbean/Caymanian students, joining a Caribbean Association or cultural club is a fantastic way to meet those from similar backgrounds. Another way to make friends is through your “Frosh Week”. Frosh Week is a fun orientation week for all incoming students that consist of parties, tours and activities acclimating you to the campus and city before classes start. Most universities have these, and they are a great way to meet new people. It’s highly recommended that you attend.

Read about Gabbie King here.