John Owen

On behalf of the Friends of Cayman I want to thank the Cayman Student Ambassadors for the excellent work that they are doing on behalf of the Cayman Islands. Not only are they pursuing their studies, I’m sure with plenty of vigour, and commitment, but they are also working hard to promote, and defend the interests of the Cayman Islands in the UK.The Friends are also grateful to the students for their hard work in organising this Cayman Connection UK evening in the National Gallery. I’m sure that it will, not only be a great success, but that the evening will also raise the awareness of those living in Cayman of the work which the students are doing in the UK, and also for the support network in the UK for the students. In this context I want to thank Kate Kandiah for her initiative in setting up the Cayman Student Ambassadors, and indeed for now establishing the Cayman Connection UK website.

I am also grateful to all those, including the Friends of Cayman, who have been able to help to sponsor this evening.

Warmest regards and best wishes

John Owen

Chairman Friends of Cayman