How our activism fosters community

written by Ayanda Jones

In 2024 it is hard to deny how pervasive social and political issues are in our daily lives. Through moving overseas, many Caymanian students have been exposed to how activism can play a crucial role in driving positive change and fostering a sense of unity and belonging among our communities. In this blog post, I will explore the power of activism in bringing communities together, inspiring collective action in order to create a more inclusive and equitable society.

The Power of Activism: Driving Social Change
Activism encompasses a wide range of actions and movements aimed at promoting social, political, and environmental justice. Whether it’s advocating for human rights globally or fighting against tangible discrimination in the Cayman Islands, activism serves as a driving force for positive change in our communities. By speaking with our family and friends, taking a stand on social media, and mobilizing others, activists really can raise awareness, influence community behaviour, and create a ripple effect that sparks meaningful transformation.

Fostering Community Engagement: Building Connections and Solidarity
One of the key benefits of activism that I have personally experienced is its ability to bring people together and foster a sense of local community. Most of the close friends I made since I moved abroad for the first time in 2016 I met through my involvement in organisations like Amnesty International, the Norwegian Red Cross and our schools Gender and Sexuality club. I found that when students united around a common cause or shared values, they formed deeper connections. Many of us built relationships that had the solid foundation of meaningful support networks that strengthened the fabric of our school community.

I’m sure anyone reading this blog can think of a time in their life where they held a belief so strongly that they felt it necessary to take action to support this principle. As a Caymanian it may have been during the 2021 elections, our national port referendum or when you see another illegal beach access obstruction. As a woman of colour, I have always felt personally connected to activism relating to gender and racial equality, and my personal relationship to activism has provided me with opportunities to engage with like-minded people and share experiences. This in turn has often helped me strengthen my sense of belonging in a new community and empower me when I felt disenfranchised.

Amplifying Voices: Empowering Marginalized Communities
Outside the personal benefits of allyship and community organisation, I believe activism also plays a vital role in amplifying the voices of marginalized communities and advocating for their rights and needs.

As a young person from a small island nation, it is so easy to believe we have no power to influence the behaviour of our politicians or companies and governments that engage in unethical behaviour. However, by standing up for communities who are often silenced, activists help shine a spotlight on important issues, challenge systemic injustices, and demand greater equality and inclusion from local communities that we can directly engage with. To anyone wondering where to start – signing petitions, emailing elected officials and donating to GoFundMe’s are a great way to participate in activism on a small scale!

Inspiring Future Generations: Educating and Empowering Youth
Another significant impact of activism is its ability to inspire and empower future generations to become agents of change. By engaging with young people in Cayman or abroad, educating them about social issues and encouraging them to get involved in activism, we can cultivate a sense of civic responsibility, empathy, and social consciousness that many think we are missing. Youth activism not only helps shape the values and beliefs of the next generation but also ensures that the legacy of community engagement and advocacy continues to thrive.

In conclusion, activism serves as a powerful catalyst for fostering community engagement, driving social change, and building a more inclusive and equitable society. By coming together, raising our voices, and advocating for justice and equality, we can create a community that is united, resilient, and committed to making a positive impact.