A message from our Lead Alumni Ambassador, now working with the Ministry of Health, Cayman Islands


I would have never thought that after completing my Masters in Public Health (MPH) in the UK in September 2018 that I would be working with the Ministry of Health in drafting COVID19 regulations and working towards the fight against the novel coronavirus. I basically was introduced into the Public Health world with a pandemic. I can’t make even make this up if I tried.

Alanis Linwood-Amor

There is no typical day at the Ministry, especially at a time of uncertainty and where research around the coronavirus quickly evolves by the day. Aside from the constant reading and day to day policy advice we give at the Ministry, I’ve also been heavily involved with the government’s communications team and act as a point of contact for the Ministry on all things coronavirus. This has proved particularly useful with the work of Cayman Connection when the whole team had the task to assist students and residents on getting back to the Cayman Islands before the airport closure on Sunday 22 March 2020.

I can’t even imagine how the government would function without a group like Cayman Connection and I cannot thank enough all the other ambassadors for keeping connected with me and making this a successful transition and task! We deserve a round of applause!

Now that a lot of you are back, I strongly urge you to follow all the government’s advice which can be found at www.gov.ky/coronavirus The threat is real, especially to those vulnerable and at risk in our community. However, we can get through this if we work together in following the self isolation guidelines, maintaining our distance from others (6ft), and frequently washing our hands like never before.

I look forward to when the pandemic passes and I could share this experience to the other alumni on the island, and perhaps have a meet up on ‘how we survived covid19’.

Whether you are in the UK or in Cayman, I encourage all my CCUK colleagues to stay connected, especially during this time of self-isolation. You are not alone and we are in this together. #KYronalife